June 11th 2020 – 4th Boston Area Drosophila Meeting | Boston University

Virtual Meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kim McCall | Prof. & Chair of Biology, Boston University
Nelson Lau | Assoc. Prof., Boston University School of Medicine


Dr. Ruth Lehmann, currently the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Professor of Cell Biology and Chair of the Department of Cell Biology at New York University (NYU),  and incoming director of the Whitehead Institute at MIT.


12:30 PM – 12:35 PMWelcoming Remarks
Kim McCall, Horacio Frydman, the BADM Committee
12:35 PM – 1:30 PMVertical transmission of Wolbachia in Drosophila gut cells and its effects in stem cell division
Natalie Vaisman, Frydman lab, Boston University
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Zombiflied: Interrogating the mechanistic basis of behavior manipulation using the “zombie” entomopathogen Entomophthora muscae
Carolyn Elya, de Biovort Lab, Harvard University
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Two peptides encoded from a single transcript regulate mitochondrial function in Drosophila
Justin Bosch, Perrimon Lab, Harvard Medical School
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Investigation of variant PRC1 complexes in Drosophila
Janel Cabrera, Emmanuel College
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Wound-induced polyploidization: an adaptive healing strategy
Vicki Losick, Boston College
1:30 PM – 1:35 PMBREAK
1:35 PM – 2:35 PMRole of the Circular RNA Edis in Innate Immunity and Neurodevelopment
Rui Zhou, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital
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Defining a critical glial role for Parkinson’s disease risk genes in controlling alpha-synuclein toxicity
Abby Olsen, Feany Lab, Harvard Medical School
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Operant Conditioning to a Food Reward Requires Rest
Timothy Wiggin, Griffith Lab, Brandeis University
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Flexible cross-inhibition controls Drosophila larva thermotaxis
Luis Hernandez, Samuel Lab, Harvard University
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Internal state configures olfactory behavior and early sensory processing in Drosophila larvae
Katrin Vogt, Samuel Lab, Harvard University
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Open bar assay: A reward self-administration paradigm for studying drug and substance use disorders
John Hernandez, Kaun Lab, Brown University
1:35 PM – 2:35 PMRegulation of epidermal cell differentiation by the Hippo pathway and Bonus
Heya Zhao, Veraksa Lab, University of Massachusetts – Boston
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Modeling Genomic Complexity of Colorectal Cancer using Multi-genic Drosophila Models
Sindhura Gopinath, Cagan Lab, Mt. Sinai
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An auto-inhibitory clamp of actin assembly promotes synaptic endocytosis
Steven Del Signore, Rodal Lab, Brandeis University
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Nuclear receptor Ftz-f1 promotes follicle maturation and ovulation partly via bHLH/PAS transcription factor Sim
Jianjun Sun, University of Connecticut
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The Ecdysone response pathway differentially regulates the Hippo pathway in two subtypes of post-mitotic photoreceptors
Joseph Bunker, Rister Lab, University of Massachusetts – Boston
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Dietary Stress Affects Structure and Function of the Eye
Khanh Lam-Kamath, Rister Lab, University of Massachusetts – Boston
1:35 PM – 2:35 PMInvestigating the relationship between genome organization of paired chromosomes and genome function at the single cell level in Drosophila
Jumana AlHaj Abed, Wu Lab, Harvard Medical School
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Regulatory mutations play the major role in the evolution of gene activity
David Loehlin, Williams College
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De novo evolved genes are essential for Drosophila male fertility and act at multiple stages of spermatogenesis
Geoff Findlay, College of the Holy Cross
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Transcriptional changes in Drosophila genome during vitamin A deprivation
Deepshe Dewett, Rister Lab, University of Massachusetts – Boston
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Aging leads to changes in transposable element landscapes in Drosophila
Nachen Yang, Lau Lab, Boston University
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Har-P, a short P-element variant, weaponizes P-transposase to severely impair Drosophila development
Nelson Lau, Boston University
2:35 PM – 2:55 PMBREAK
2:55 PM – 3:25 PMNeurobiology & Behavior
Paul Garrity, Professor at Brandeis University, Discussion Leader
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CRISPR & Other Tools
Stephanie Mohr, Director of DRSC/TRiP-FGR at Harvard Medical School, Discussion Leader
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Human Disease Modeling & Metabolism
Marla Tipping, Assistant Professor at Providence College, Discussion Leader
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Gene Regulation & Epigenetics
Jens Rister, Assistant Professor at University of Massachusetts – Boston, Discussion Leader
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Stem Cells & Development
Kristin White, Associate Professor at MGH/Harvard Medical School, Discussion Leader
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Diversity & Science in a Pandemic
Michelle Markstein, Assistant Professor at University of Massachusetts – Amherst, Discussion Leader
3:30 PM – 4:15 PMKEYNOTE – Germ cells are forever
Dr. Ruth Lehmann, Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Professor of Cell Biology, New York University; Incoming Director of the Whitehead Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4:15 PM – 5:30 PMA non-canonical odor receptor mediates responses to the widely attractive odor ammonia
Karen Menuz, University of Connecticut
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Sleep loss can cause death through accumulation of reactive oxygen species in the gut
Yosef Kaplan Dor, Rogulja Lab, Harvard Medical School
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Persistent Calcium Spikes Are an Axon Injury Signal Controlling Subtype-specific Regeneration
Fei Wang, Xiang Lab, University of Massachusetts Medical School
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“Disease-relevant” to disease model: how FlyBase can help you investigate human disease in Drosophila
Victoria Jenkins, FlyBase
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A flexible new platform for insect cell biology: pooled genome-wide CRISPR screens
Raghuvir Viswanatha, Harvard Medical School
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Online Bioinformatics Resources from the DRSC/TRiP
Claire Hu, Director of Bioinformatics, DRSC/TRiP-FGR, Harvard Medical School
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Large-scale transgenic Drosophila resource collections for loss- and gain-of-function studies
Jonathan Zirin, Director of in vivo Technologies, DRSC/TRiP-FGR,  Harvard Medical School
5:40 PMClosing Remarks
Nelson Lau, the BADM Committee