June 11th 2019 – 3rd Boston Area Drosophila Meeting | Brown University

Karla Kaun | Asst. Prof. of Neuroscience, Brown
Erica Larschan | Asst. Prof. of Biology, Brown
Nate Snell | Grad. Student, Barnea Lab, Brown
Jackie Howell | Grad. Student, Tatar & Kaun Labs, Brown
Mukulika Ray | Grad. Student, Larschan Lab, Brown

Avital Rodal


Avital Rodal
Associate Professor of Biology
Brandeis University

Downloadable Agenda (with abstracts)

9:30 AM – 10:30 AMMicrotubules stabilize intercellular contractile force transmission during ventral furrow formation
Clint Ko, Martin Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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microRNA dependent regulatory switch that controls immune responses by regulating stem cell fate in the gut
Pushpa Verma, Van Vacter Lab, Harvard University
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Dissecting the sharp response of a canonical developmental enhancer reveals multiple sources of cooperativity
Jeehae Park, DePace Lab, Harvard Medical School
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[Lightning] KO or OK?: A computational method to uncover regulatory mechanisms of transcription factors during development
Ashley Conard, Larschan Lab, Brown University
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[Lightning] A myotubularin-related phosphatase that regulates autophagic flux
Elizabeth Allen, Baehrecke Lab, University of Massachusetts Medical School
10:30 AM – 10:45 AMBREAK
10:50 AM – 12:00 PMDrosophila DEG/ENaCs Expressed in Neurons and Muscle Impact Synaptic Transmission and Behavior
Alexis Hill, Assistant Professor, College of the Holy Cross
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A conserved role for the N-glycosylation pathway in sleep and seizures
Brittany Leger, Walker Lab, Massachusetts General Hospital
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Early integration of multimodal chemosensory stimuli in the Drosophila larva
Jess Kanwal, Samuel Lab, Harvard University
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[Lightning] Behavioral features of alcohol reinforcement in Drosophila
Jamie Catalano, Kaun Lab, Brown University
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[Lightning] Identifying hygrotaxis circuit elements in Drosophila
Tatevik Sarkissian, Garrity Lab, Brandeis University
12:00 PM – 1:25 PMLUNCH  Discussion Groups
Apoptosis and Neurodegeneration
Cell Signaling and Development
Neurobiology and Behavior
Transcription and Epigenetics
1:30 PM – 2:30 PMVitamin A deprivation as a novel approach to identify neuroprotective molecules
Jens Rister, Principal Investigator, University of Massachusetts – Boston
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Killing time: Decoupling developmental apoptosis and neuroblast proliferation in Drosophila
Katherine Harding, White Lab, Massachusetts General Hospital
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Generation of neuronal diversity in the Drosophila optic lobes through development and evolution
Nikos Konstantinides, Desplan Lab, New York University
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[Lightning] Structure-function analysis of β-arrestin Kurtz reveals a critical role of receptor interactions in downregulation of GPCR signaling in vivo
Fei Chai, Veraksa Lab, University of Massachusetts – Boston
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[Lightning] Pigment dispersing factor (PDF) signaling: A novel pathway for memory regulation by the circadian clock
Johanna Flyer-Adams, Griffith Lab, Brandeis University
2:30 PM – 2:45 PMBREAK
2:50 PM – 3:50 PMGlial α-synuclein promotes neurodegeneration characterized by a distinct transcriptional program in vivo
Abby Olson, Feany Lab, Brigham & Women’s Hospital
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Regulation of endosomal Microautophagy in Drosophila
Ana Mesquita, Jenny Lab, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
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Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors as Potential Therapeutics for MEGF10 Myopathy
Isabelle Draper, Principal Investigator, Tufts Medical Center
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A new GFP-tagged cell line resource from the DRSC
Stephanie Mohr, Perrimon Lab / DRSC, Harvard Medical School
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[Lightning] – FlyBase Updates
Victoria Jenkins, FlyBase, Harvard University
3:50 PM – 4:00 PMBREAK
4:05 PM – 5:15 PMKEYNOTE – Routing and remodeling membranes at the synapse
Avital Rodal, Brandeis University
5:15 PMDinner out in Providence